You Can Now Create Sub-issues in GitHub Issues (Beta)

| 3 min read
Author: masahiro-kondo masahiro-kondoの画像

To reach a broader audience, this article has been translated from Japanese.
You can find the original version here.



The Sub-issues feature has been added to GitHub Issues. It is currently in the public preview stage.

Evolving GitHub Issues (Public Preview) · GitHub Changelog

I immediately joined the waitlist.


Soon after, I received a notification email that the beta version, including Sub-issues, was enabled.


I overlooked the email and didn't notice it for about three days. 💦

Creating Sub-issues


The official documentation provides steps for adding Sub-issues.

Adding sub-issues - GitHub Docs

There is a Create sub-issue button below the issue summary description.

create sub-issue

You can choose to add a new sub-issue or an existing issue.

add menu

This is the screen for registering a new sub-issue.

create new sub issue

If you check Create more sub-issues before clicking Create, you can register sub-issues consecutively.

Once registered, sub-issues are listed below the issue description.

sub-issues list

You can add sub-issues to issues registered as sub-issues, allowing for multiple levels of nesting.

Visualizing the Hierarchical Structure of Issues


Currently, the hierarchical structure of Sub-issues is not visualized on the repository's issue list screen.

issue list

I created a project and added the above issues.


Add issues to project

By adding only the root issue, sub-issues are automatically added. This is due to the workflow feature of Projects.

Sub-issues automatically added

In normal mode, it is displayed flat.

Project view

Specify Parent issue under grouping.

Set Group

The hierarchy is represented through group display.

Group by parent issue

The above screen was the Table view of Projects, but it is also reflected when switching to the Roadmap view.

Roadmap View

It might be a bit cumbersome since you need to create a project and operate it.


It's quite old, but the workflow of GitHub Projects is introduced in the following article.

Trying Out the Renewed GitHub Projects Automation

The Roadmap view of GitHub Projects is introduced in the following article.

Roadmaps Appear in GitHub Projects - Manage Issues and PRs on a Timeline

Closing Issues with Sub-issues


I tried closing the root issue of Sub-issues.

Close root issue

Even if Sub-issues are open, you can close it normally.

issue Closed

There doesn't seem to be a feature to guard based on the status of Sub-issues at this stage.

It might be implemented in the future based on feedback.



In my usual usage, a parent-child structure for issues is not necessary, but I think many people believe it should be present as an issue tracker. The public preview is being discussed in the following Discussion. It might be good to try it out and give feedback.

Sub-issues Public Preview · community · Discussion #139932

I am looking forward to seeing how much it will be polished in the official version.


