Introduction to TypeScript for Java Engineers (Part 3: Primitive Types)
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You can find the original version here.
#This time, we will explain primitive types.
Name, Overview | JavaScript | TypeScript | Java | Remarks |
Numbers (integers, decimals) | number | number | int, long, float, double | |
Numbers (large integers) | bigint | bigint | ≒BigInteger | |
Strings | string | string | String | |
Boolean values | boolean | boolean | boolean | |
Symbol type | symbol | symbol | - | |
Null value | any | null | ≒null (no definition as a type) | |
Undefined value | undefined | undefined | ≒null (no strict concept of undefined) |
- The table maps TypeScript types to similar types.
number (Numeric Type)
#A type that handles 64-bit floating-point numbers, capable of representing both integers and floating points.
Characteristics of the Type
#Let's confirm the characteristics of the type through code.
let num1: number = 1000;
let num2: number = 1000.5;
let num3: number = .5; //0.5
let num4: number = -1000;
let num5_p: number = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; //Infinity positive infinity
let num5_n: number = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; //-Infinity negative infinity
let num6: number = parseInt("hoge"); //*1
let numInf = 1000; //*2
- 1: NaN is set without throwing an exception
- 2: Determined to be of type number by type inference
int num1 = 1000;
double num2 = 1000.5;
double num3 = .5;
int num4 = -1000;
double num5_p = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
double num5_n = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
//int num6 = Long.parseLong("hoge"); //*1
var numInf = 1000;
- 1: Doing similar results in a NumberFormatException being thrown
- 2: Determined to be of type int by type inference
bigint (BigInt Type)
#A type that can represent integers larger than those handled by number.
The assigned value is expressed by appending n to the end.
When using it, the compiler option target must be set to es2020 or higher. (Otherwise, it will result in a compilation error)
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "ES2023",
Characteristics of the Type
#Let's confirm the characteristics of the type through code.
let bi1: bigint = 1000n; //1000
let bi2: bigint = BigInt(1001); //1001
let bi3: bigint = BigInt("1002"); //1002
let bi4: bigint = -1000n; //-1000
// let bi5: bigint = -1.1n; //Error because it's a decimal
let biInf = 1003n; //*1
- 1: Determined to be of type number by type inference
// BigInteger bi1 = 1000;
BigInteger bi2 = BigInteger.valueOf(1001);
BigInteger bi3 = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.valueOf("1002"));
BigInteger bi4 = BigInteger.valueOf(-1000);
// let bi5: bigint = -1.1n; //Error because it's a decimal
var biInf = BigInteger.valueOf(1003);
- 1: Determined to be of type BigInteger by type inference
string (String Type)
#A type that handles strings.
Characteristics of the Type
#Let's confirm the characteristics of the type through code.
let str1: string = "hoge";
let strInf = "fuga"; //*1
- 1: Determined to be of type string by type inference
String str1 = "hoge";
var strInf = "fuga"; //*1
- 1: Determined to be of type String by type inference
boolean (Boolean Type)
#A type that handles true and false.
Characteristics of the Type
#Let's confirm the characteristics of the type through code.
let bool1: boolean = true;
let boolInf = false;//*1
- 1: Determined to be of type boolean by type inference
boolean bool1 = true;
var boolInf = false; //*1
- 1: Determined to be of type boolean by type inference
symbol (Symbol Type)
#A type that generates unique values.
Characteristics of the Type
#Let's confirm the characteristics of the type through code.
let symbol1: symbol = Symbol(); //description=undefined
let symbol2: symbol = Symbol("sym-value"); //description=sym-value
let symbol3: symbol = Symbol(); //symbol1==symbol3:false, symbol1===symbol3:false *1
let obj1 = { [symbol1]: "value1", symbol2: "value2" }; //obj1[symbol1]=value1, obj1.symbol2=value2
let symbolInf = Symbol(); //*2
- 1: They do not match because each is unique
- 2: Determined to be of type symbol by type inference
// There is no corresponding type.
To express something similar, you need to create your own mechanism.
#A type that indicates the absence of a value.
Characteristics of the Type
#Let's confirm the characteristics of the type through code.
let null1: null = null;
let nullInf = null; //*1
- 1: Determined to be of type null by type inference.
// Null values exist, but there is no null type.
interface BaseCustomType {}
static class CustomType implements BaseCustomType {}
static class CustomTypeNullObject implements BaseCustomType {}
Optional<String> null1 = Optional.empty();
var nullInf = new CustomTypeNullObject();
Using Optional or the Null Object pattern can express something similar.
#A type that indicates an undefined state.
Characteristics of the Type
#Let's confirm the characteristics of the type through code.
let undef1; //undefined *1
let undef2: undefined; //undefined
let undef3 = undefined; //undefined *1
- 1: Determined to be of type undefined by type inference
// There is no strict concept of undefined.
Using the Null Object pattern can express something similar.
The implementation example is the same as for Null, so it is omitted.