Introduction to TypeScript for Java Engineers (Part 8: Objects)

| 26 min read
Author: masato-ubata masato-ubataの画像

To reach a broader audience, this article has been translated from Japanese.
You can find the original version here.



This time, we will explain interfaces and classes, which are familiar in object-oriented programming.

Name JavaScript TypeScript Java Usage
Interface - interface interface Used to define the structure of an object
Type Alias - type ≒interface Used to give an existing type a different name
Class class class class Used to define the entity of an object
  Interface "0..*" <|-- Interface
  TypeAlias "0..*" <-- TypeAlias: <br>Composition
  AbstractClass "0..1" <|-- AbstractClass
  Class "0..1" <|-- Class

  Interface "0..*" <-- TypeAlias: Composition
  Interface "0..*" <|.. AbstractClass
  Interface "0..*" <|.. Class

  TypeAlias "0..*" <|-- Interface
  TypeAlias "0..*" <|.. AbstractClass
  TypeAlias "0..*" <|.. Class

  AbstractClass "0..1" <|-- Class



Used when you want to define the shape of an object or the specifications of a class.

  • Interfaces can inherit from each other. Type aliases can also be inherited.
  • Redeclarable: You can declare an interface with the same name.
  • When converted to JavaScript, interfaces have no entity, so they cannot be compared with instanceof, etc.

Declaring an Interface


Below are the syntax and definition examples for interfaces.

 * _InterfaceName_: The name of the interface
 * _readonly_     : (Optional) Specify if you want to make it read-only.
 * _AttributeName_: Attribute name
 * _AttributeType_: Attribute type
 * _MethodName_   : Behavior
 * _Arguments_    : (Optional) Set if it has arguments. If specifying multiple, separate them with `,`.
 * _ReturnType_   : Return type
interface _InterfaceName_ {
  _readonly_ _AttributeName_: _AttributeType_;
  _MethodName_(_Arguments_): _ReturnType_;
  • Semicolons at the end of statements can also be defined with commas.
  • Behaviors can also be defined with arrow functions.
Definition Example
interface BasePerson {
  id: number;
  _name: string;
  readonly secret: string; //*1
  comment?: string; //string or undefined *2
  getViewName(): string;
  updateName(name: string): void;
  updateComment: (comment: string) => void; //*3

  get name(): string;
  set name(name: string);

interface BasePerson_comma {
  id: number,
  name: string,
  • 1: Read-only
  • 2: Arguments specified with ? (optional arguments) allow undefined.
  • 3: Behavior specification defined with an arrow function
  • 4: Accessor specification defined with shorthand
  • 5: Example written with commas at the end of statements

Differences between TypeScript and Java

  • TypeScript:
    • Attribute specifications can be defined.
    • When transpiled to JavaScript, interfaces have no entity, so type checking cannot be done with instanceof. Use type guards if type checking is necessary.
  • Java:
    • Attribute specifications cannot be defined. Define accessor specifications as a substitute.
    • instanceof can be used for type checking of interfaces.

Defining Constructor Signatures


You can define constructor signatures in interfaces.
There may be scenes where it can be utilized in combination with generics or index signatures.

interface BasePerson {
  id: number;
  name: string;

class Person implements BasePerson {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  constructor(id: number, name: string) { = id; = name; }

interface PersonConstructor {
  new(id: number, name: string): BasePerson;

const person1: PersonConstructor = Person;
const person2 = new person1(1, "suzuki");
What happens in Java
// There is no corresponding feature.

You can achieve similar functionality by using patterns like the Factory method.

Redeclaring Interfaces


This is the mechanism to redefine an interface with the same name and merge interfaces.

  • Consistency between interfaces must be maintained.
  • The interface being redefined must be in the same scope (if in a different scope, it will be treated as a different entity).
interface BasePerson {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  getViewName(): string;

interface BasePerson {
  address: string,

interface BasePerson {
  // address: number, //*1

class Person1 implements BasePerson {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  address: string;  //*2
  getViewName = () => "hoge";

  constructor(id: number, name: string, address: string) { = id; = name;
    this.address = address;
  • 1: Such a declaration cannot be made because consistency between interfaces is not maintained.
  • 2: Attributes defined by redeclaration are added.
What happens in Java
// There is no corresponding feature.

You can express similar functionality by adding specifications to interfaces with inheritance relationships or implementing additional specifications as separate interfaces.

  namespace ex1 {
    class BasePerson {
    class NewBasePerson {
    class Person
  BasePerson <|-- NewBasePerson
  NewBasePerson <|.. Person

  namespace ex2 {
    class BasePerson2 {
    class NewBasePerson2 {
    class Person2
  BasePerson2 <|.. Person2
  NewBasePerson2 <|.. Person2

Differences between TypeScript and Java

  • TypeScript: You can declare interfaces with the same name within the same scope.
  • Java: You cannot declare interfaces with the same name within the same scope. It is possible if you separate the scope by dividing packages, etc.

When to use interface redeclaration

  • While it can be a convenient feature depending on how you use it, it's a feature prone to bugs, so its use should be limited.
    • It can be effectively utilized when you want to make changes to interfaces that cannot be directly changed (or are difficult to change), such as external systems, legacy systems, or libraries.
    • If direct changes are possible, such as in your own domain, it is recommended not to use it easily.

Inheritance of Interfaces


Below is an example of interface inheritance.
The way to implement it is the same as in Java.

interface BasePerson0 {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  getViewName(): string;
interface BasePerson extends BasePerson0 {
  address: string;
What happens in Java
interface BasePerson0 {
  int getId();
  void setId(int id);
  String getName();
  void setName(String name);
  String getViewName();
interface BasePerson extends BasePerson0 {
  String getAddress();
  void setAddress(String address);
  • Since attributes cannot be defined in interfaces, accessor specifications are defined as a substitute.

type (Type Alias)


This refers to the mechanism used when you want to give an existing type a different name.

  • Type aliases cannot inherit from each other, but you can achieve similar functionality with intersection types. Interfaces can also be composed with intersections.

Declaring a Type Alias


Below are the syntax and definition examples for type aliases.

 * _TypeAliasName_: The name of the type alias
 * _readonly_     : (Optional) Specify if you want to make it read-only.
 * _AttributeName_: Attribute name
 * _AttributeType_: Attribute type
 * _MethodName_   : Behavior
 * _Arguments_    : (Optional) Set if it has arguments. If specifying multiple, separate them with `,`.
 * _ReturnType_   : Return type

type _TypeAliasName_ = _AttributeType_; // When giving a type a different name
type _TypeAliasName_ = _(_Arguments_) => _ReturnType_; // When giving a function a different name
type _TypeAliasName_ = { // When giving a structured type a different name
  _readonly_ _AttributeName_: _AttributeType_,
  _MethodName_(_Arguments_): _ReturnType_,
  • If the specified type or method is singular, curly braces are not needed.
  • If specifying multiple, the delimiter can also be defined with semicolons.
  • Methods can also be defined with arrow functions.
Definition Example
type NumberType = number | null; //number or null *1
let num: NumberType = 1;

type TrafficLight = "red" | "yellow" | "blue"; //"red" or "yellow" or "blue" *1
const trafficLight: TrafficLight = "red";

type CallbackFn = (arg1: number, arg2: number) => boolean; //*2
const callbackFn: CallbackFn = (x: number, y: number) => x > y;

type Name = {
  lastNameKana: string, firstNameKana: string,
  lastName: string | null, firstName: string | null,
  readonly secret: string,
  getViewNameKana(suffix: string): string,
  compareXy1: (x: number, y: number) => boolean, //*4
  compareXy2: (x: number, y: number) => boolean, //*4
let name: Name = {
  lastNameKana: "suzuki", firstNameKana: "taro",
  lastName: "鈴木", firstName: "太郎",
  secret: "pass",
  getViewNameKana(suffix: string) {
    return `${this.lastNameKana} ${this.firstNameKana}${suffix}`;
  compareXy1: (x, y) => {
    // this.firstName;
    return x > y;
  compareXy2(x, y) {
    this.firstName; //this can be referenced
    return x > y;

type Name_comma = {
  lastName: string;
  firstName: string;
  • 1: Example of giving a type a different name
  • 2: Example of giving a function a different name
  • 3: Example of giving a structured type a different name
  • 4: This is not a method but an attribute. It behaves differently depending on how the instance is created.
  • 5: Defined as an arrow function, this is fixed to the outer scope. Therefore, this cannot reference name.
  • 6: Defined as a direct function, it is recognized as an attribute but behaves as an instance method. Therefore, this can reference name.
  • 7: Example written with semicolons as delimiters

Defining Constructor Signatures


Like interfaces, constructor signatures can also be defined with type aliases.

type BasePerson = {id: number, name: string};

type PersonConstructor = {new(id: number, name: string): BasePerson};

class Person implements BasePerson {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  constructor(id: number, name: string) { = id; = name; }

const person1: PersonConstructor = Person;
const person2 = new person1(1, "suzuki");
What happens in Java
// There is no corresponding feature.

You can achieve similar functionality by using patterns like the Factory method.

Composing Type Aliases


Type aliases cannot have inheritance relationships.
They can be composed with intersection types, so let's check the implementation example.

type Person1 = { id: number, name: string };
type Person2 = { address: string, birthDate: string };

type Person = Person1 & Person2; // { id: number; name: string; address: string; birthDate: string; }
let person: Person = { id: 1, name: "suzuki", address: "tokyo", birthDate: "2000-01-01" };
What happens in Java
// There is no corresponding feature.

You can express similar functionality by adding specifications to interfaces with inheritance relationships or implementing additional specifications as separate interfaces.
The implementation image is the same as "Redeclaring Interfaces", so it is omitted.

Appendix: Example of Defining Type Aliases Using Utility Types


By using utility types, you can define type aliases without mass-producing similar definitions.
There seem to be many scenes where this can be utilized, such as when creating request objects for APIs.
Although convenient, it is a good strategy to avoid overuse as it can become difficult to understand if combined too much.

type Person = { id: number, name: string, address: string, birthDate: string };

type PersonRequest = Omit<Person, "id">; // { name: string; address: string; birthDate: string; } *1
type PartialPerson = Pick<Person, "id" | "name">; // { id:string; name: string; } *2
type OptionalPerson = Partial<Person>; // { id?:string; name?: string; address?: string; birthDate?: string; } *3
type ReadonlyPerson = Readonly<Person>; // { readonly id: number; readonly name: string; readonly address: string; readonly birthDate: string; } *4
type RequiredPerson = Required<OptionalPerson>; // { id:string; name: string; address: string; birthDate: string; } *5
  • 1: Exclude some attributes
  • 2: Pick up some attributes
  • 3: Make all attributes optional
  • 4: Make all attributes read-only
  • 5: Make all attributes required

How should interfaces and type aliases be used differently?
Since both can do similar things, it is necessary to set design policies and use them differently.
Below is one suggestion for differentiation.

  • Basic policy
    • Choose the method that can take the structure according to the model (e.g., do not easily substitute compositions for things with inheritance relationships)
    • If component definitions based on design methodologies like DDD are established, decide which to choose for each component
    • If unsure, decide in advance which to lean towards
  • Interface
    • Define the structure of an object
    • Define types with inheritance relationships
    • Define types to be published as extension points
  • Type Alias
    • Give an existing type a different name
    • Use union types, intersection types, etc., to define types
    • Define function types



Used when you want to define the entity of an object.

  • Interfaces and type aliases can be implemented
  • Abstract methods can be defined in abstract classes
  • Classes can inherit from each other

Declaring a Class


Below are the syntax and definition examples for classes.

 * _abstract_     : (Optional) Specify if it's an abstract class or abstract method.
 * _ClassName_    : The name of the class
 * _AccessModifier_: (Optional) Set if you want to specify the scope. (public, protected, private. If unspecified, it is treated as public)
 * _static_       : (Optional) Specify if it's a class method or class variable.
 * _readonly_     : (Optional) Specify if you want to make it read-only.
 * _AttributeName_: Attribute name
 * _AttributeType_: (Optional) Attribute type
 * _AssignedValue_: (Optional) Set if you need to set an initial value. Referred to as "right-hand side" in the text.
 * _MethodName_   : Behavior
 * _Arguments_    : (Optional) Set if it has arguments. If specifying multiple, separate them with `,`.
 * _ReturnType_   : (Optional) Set if you want to explicitly specify the return type.
_abstract_ class _ClassName_ {
  _AccessModifier_ _static_ _readonly_ _AttributeName_: _AttributeType_ = _AssignedValue_; //Attribute

  constructor(_Arguments_) {/** Optional processing. */}

  _AccessModifier_ _abstract_ _MethodName_(_Arguments_): _ReturnType_; //Abstract method
  _AccessModifier_ _static_ _MethodName_(_Arguments_): _ReturnType_ {/** Optional processing. */}; //Method
  • Methods can also be defined with arrow functions.
Definition Example
abstract class BasePerson {
   * Change address.
   * @param address Address
  abstract editAddress(address: string): void;

   * Get the name formatted for display.
   * @returns Name for display
  abstract getViewName: () => string;

class Person extends BasePerson {
  /** ID. */
  id: number | null = null;
  /** Name. */
  name: string;
  /** Address. */
  address: string;
  /** Read-only attribute. */
  readonly secret: string;

   * Constructor.
   * @param name Name
   * @param address Address
   * @param secret Read-only attribute
  constructor(name: string, address: string, secret: string) {
    super(); = name;
    this.address = address;
    this.secret = secret;

  editAddress(address: string): void { this.address = address; }

  getViewName = () => { return `${}`; };

Differences between TypeScript and Java

  • TypeScript:
    • Access modifiers cannot be set for classes
    • Type aliases can be implemented
  • Java:
    • Access modifiers can be set for classes

In JavaScript

  • Interfaces and type aliases cannot,be used
  • Abstract classes and abstract methods cannot be defined

Declaring a Class with Shorthand


Attributes can be automatically defined by adding access modifiers to the parameters of the constructor.
Accessors can be defined with the get/set keywords.

class Person {
  constructor(private _id: number, private _name: string, _address: string) {
    this._id = _id;
    this._name = _name;
    // this._address = _address; //*1
  get id(): number {
    return this._id;
  set id(id: number) {
    this._id = id;
let person = new Person(1, "suzuki", "tokyo"); //{1, suzuki, tokyo}
// person._id; //*2
// person._name; //*2; = 2; //{2, suzuki, tokyo}
  • 1: Since it has no access modifier and is not recognized as an attribute, it results in an error.
  • 2: It cannot be referenced as it is out of scope.

Implementing Interfaces


Interfaces are implemented by abstract classes or classes.
The implementation method is the same as in Java.
The implementation with abstract classes is omitted as the content does not change.

  class BasePerson {
    +number id
    +string name
    +getViewName() string
  BasePerson <|.. Person
// Interface
interface BasePerson {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  getViewName(): string;

// Implement with class
class Person implements BasePerson {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  getViewName(): string { return `${}`; }

  constructor(id: number, name: string) { = id; = name;
What happens in Java
// Interface
interface BasePerson {
  void setId(Long id);
  Long getId();
  void setName(String name);
  String getViewName();

// Implement with class
class Person implements BasePerson {
  private Long id;
  private String name;

  public String getViewName() {
    return "%s様".formatted(;

Class Inheritance


Inheritance can be performed with combinations of abstract class<-abstract class, abstract class<-class, and class<-class.
The implementation method is the same as in Java.
The code example shows abstract class<-class. Other cases are omitted as the implementation does not change.

  class BasePerson {
    +number id
    +string name
  BasePerson <|-- Person
// Abstract class
abstract class BasePerson {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  constructor(id: number, name: string) { = id; = name;
  // Abstract method
  protected abstract getViewName(): string;

// Inherit abstract class
class Person extends BasePerson {
  constructor(id: number, name: string) {
    super(id, name);
  protected getViewName(): string {
    return `${}`;
What happens in Java
// Abstract class
abstract class BasePerson {
  private Long id;
  private String name;

  // Abstract method
  protected abstract String getViewName();

// Inherit abstract class
class Person extends BasePerson {
  public Person(Long id, String name) {
    super(id, name);

  protected String getViewName() {
    return "%s様".formatted(getName());

Checking Scope


Let's check the scope of attributes and behaviors.

Access Modifier Accessible Range (TypeScript) Accessible Range (Java)
public Can be accessed from anywhere Same as left
protected Only within the same class and subclasses Only within the same package and subclasses
Unspecified Treated as public, so the scope is the same as public package private: Only within the same package
private Only within the same class Same as left

The code example includes the following verification content.

  class Person {

  Person <-- Caller: Access from outside the class
  Person <-- Instance of Person: Access from an instance
  Person <|-- Employee
  Person <-- Employee: Access from a subclass
class Person {
  // Class variables
  public static attrStaticPub = 1;
  protected static attrStaticPro = 1;
  static attrStaticNoDef = 1;
  private static attrStaticPri = 1;

  // Member variables
  public attrPub = 1;
  protected attrPro = 1;
  attrNoDef = 1;
  private attrPri = 1;

  // Class methods
  public static doStaticPub() {}
  protected static doStaticPro() {}
  static doStaticNoDef() {}
  private static doStaticPri() {}

  // Member methods
  public doPub() {}
  protected doPro() {}
  doNoDef() {}
  private doPri() {}

  constructor(attrPub: number, attrPro: number, attrNoDef: number, attrPri: number) {
    this.attrPub = attrPub; this.attrPro = attrPro; this.attrNoDef = attrNoDef; this.attrPri = attrPri;

/** Subclass. **/
class Employee extends Person {
  //***** Access from within the subclass
  doMethod() {
    // Person.attrStaticPri; //*1

    // this.attrPri; //*1

    // Person.doStaticPri(); //*1

    // this.doPri(); //*1

const caller = () => {
  //**** Access from outside the class
  // Person.attrStaticPro; //*1
  // Person.attrStaticPri; //*1

  // Person.doStaticPro(); //*1
  // Person.doStaticPri(); //*1

  //**** Access from an instance
  let person = new Person(1, 2, 3, 4);

  // person.attrPro; //*2
  // person.attrPri; //*1

  // person.doPro(); //*2
  // person.doPri(); //*1
  • 1: Cannot be accessed as it is out of scope
  • 2: protected cannot be called from an instance
What happens in Java
// The range of protected is different, so the package is divided.

//package example.person;
public class Person {
  // Class variables
  public static int attrStaticPub = 1;
  protected static int attrStaticPro = 1;
  public static int attrStaticNoDef = 1;
  private static int attrStaticPri = 1;

  // Member variables
  public int attrPub = 1;
  protected int attrPro = 1;
  public int attrNoDef = 1;
  private int attrPri = 1;

  // Class methods
  public static void doStaticPub() {}
  protected static void doStaticPro() {}
  public static void doStaticNoDef() {}
  private static void doStaticPri() {}

  // Member methods
  public void doPub() {}
  protected void doPro() {}
  public void doNoDef() {}
  private void doPri() {}

//package example.employee;
/** Subclass. */
public class Employee extends Person {

  public Employee(int attrPub, int attrPro, int attrNoDef, int attrPri) {
    super(attrPub, attrPro, attrNoDef, attrPri);

  //***** Access from within the subclass
  void doMethod() {
    // System.out.println(Person.attrStaticPri); // *1

    // System.out.println(this.attrPri); // *1

    // Person.doStaticPri(); // *1

    // this.doPri(); //*1

//package example.caller;
public class Caller {
  public void callPerson() {
    //**** Access from outside the class
    // System.out.println(Person.attrStaticPro); // *1
    // System.out.println(Person.attrStaticPri); // *1

    // Person.doStaticPro(); // *1
    // Person.doStaticPri(); //*1

    //**** Access from an instance
    var person = new Person(1, 2, 3, 4);

    // System.out.println(person.attrPro); // *2
    // System.out.println(person.attrPri); // *1

    // person.doPro(); // *2
    // person.doPri(); //*1
  • 1: Cannot be accessed as it is out of scope
  • 2: protected cannot be called from an instance

Differences between TypeScript and Java

  • TypeScript
    • If the scope is unspecified, it is treated as public
    • Range of protected: Can only be accessed within the same class and subclasses
  • Java
    • If the scope is unspecified, it becomes package private
    • Range of protected: Can only be accessed within the same package and subclasses


