Speed Up Builds with Ninja! A Comprehensive Guide to Its Usage

| 16 min read
Author: kotaro-miura kotaro-miuraの画像

To reach a broader audience, this article has been translated from Japanese.
You can find the original version here.



Recently, I've been working with the build tool Make, and I thought, "It's apparently been used for a long time, but are there any newer build tools that are becoming widespread?" Upon investigating, I found information suggesting that a tool called Ninja is excellent, so I'd like to summarize my experience trying it out.

Features of Ninja


Ninja is a build system that boasts faster operation compared to Make.

It was developed to speed up builds in large-scale projects, such as compiling a single executable from approximately 40,000 C++ code files like Google Chrome. [1]

It has set the following design goals. [2]

  • Enable very fast incremental builds even for huge projects
  • Have minimal policy about how code is built
  • Correctly understand dependencies even in situations where Makefiles might not
  • Prefer speed over convenience when they conflict

Conversely, the following items are explicitly not design goals.

  • Convenient syntax for writing build files by hand
    • Ninja files should be generated using other programs. (CMake and Meson support this. (Author's note))
  • Built-in rules
    • Unlike Make, Ninja does not have implicit rules for compiling C code.
  • Build-time customization
    • Command options should be included in the program that generates the Ninja files.
  • Build-time conditionals and search paths
    • Avoid decision-making processes that are slow.

GitHub Stars are increasing, and it seems to be spreading smoothly.
Star History Chart

You can check detailed specifications from the manual.

Trying It Out


In the case of Ubuntu, install it with the following command.

$ sudo apt-get install ninja-build

The ninja Command


Use the ninja command to execute the build.

Run it in the following format.

ninja [options] [target name...]

Configuration File (build.ninja)


When you execute ninja, by default, it reads the settings from a file called build.ninja in the current directory.

To specify a file name when running, use the option ninja -f filepath.

Let's look at how to write the configuration file.

The basic format is as follows.

rule rule_name
    command = command

build target: rule_name dependencies

Broadly speaking, you will describe it using two declarations: rule and build.

  • In the build statement, you associate the target (the file you want to create) with the rule (how to create it) and dependencies (files needed to create it).
    You can specify multiple file names for both targets and dependencies, separated by spaces.
  • In the rule statement, you describe the command to execute to create the file, following command =.



Here's a simple example.

rule r1
    command = echo "DEP sample" > $out

rule r2
    command = echo "TEST `cat $in`" > $out

build test.txt: r2 dep.txt
build dep.txt: r1

In the above configuration, the process is written to save to test.txt the text that adds the string TEST to the text content of dep.txt.

Explanation of the Sample

  1.  build test.txt: r2 dep.txt
    Indicates that the file test.txt is created by rule r2 using the file dep.txt.
    If dep.txt does not exist, the build statement where dep.txt is a target is executed.
  2.  build dep.txt: r1
    Indicates that the file dep.txt is created by rule r1. There are no dependencies.
  3.  rule r1
         command = echo "DEP sample" > $out
    In rule r1, it executes a command to create a file with the text DEP sample.
    $out is a built-in variable provided by Ninja, which expands to the target name specified in the build statement. In this example, it's dep.txt.
  4.  rule r2
         command = echo "TEST `cat $in`" > $out
    In rule r2, it executes a command to create a file with text that adds the string TEST to the content of the input file.
    $in is also a built-in variable provided by Ninja, which expands to the dependency file names specified in the build statement. In this example, it's dep.txt.

Execution Result of the Sample


Let's execute the build using this configuration file. As with Make, you can confirm that the target creation is skipped if there is no change to the dependencies.

$ ninja test.txt
[2/2] echo "TEST `cat dep.txt`" > test.txt

# Check file contents
$ cat dep.txt test.txt
DEP sample
TEST DEP sample

# Even if you run it again without doing anything, no updates are performed.
$ ninja test.txt 
ninja: no work to do. 

# Change the content of the dependency file.
$ echo "DEP sample 1" > dep.txt

# If the dependency file is updated, the target is recreated.
$ ninja test.txt 
[1/1] echo "TEST `cat dep.txt`" > test.txt

# Check file contents
$ cat dep.txt test.txt 
DEP sample 1
TEST DEP sample 1

That's the basic usage. It's very simple.

Dependency Graph


I thought it was interesting that Ninja provides a tool to visualize file dependencies as a network graph, so I'd like to introduce it.

By using the ninja -t graph option, it outputs the file dependency graph in graphviz format.

For example, let's output the graph of the sample file mentioned at the beginning.

By installing graphviz in advance and passing it to the dot command as follows, it outputs the dependency graph image graph.png.

ninja -t graph | dot -Tpng -ograph.png

In the case of Ubuntu, you can install graphviz with the following command.

sudo apt install graphviz

An image like the following is output.
Dependencies and targets are represented as square nodes, and rules are represented as edges connecting them.
If there are no dependencies, the rule is represented as a circular node connected to the target.


Summary of Other Specifications


There are other specifications that are useful to know, so let's check them.



At the top level of the configuration file, you can define variables in the format variable_name = string.
To reference them, write $variable_name.

Sample File
var = Mamezou

rule r
    command = echo $var

build tag: r
Execution Result
$ ninja
[1/1] echo Mamezou



The escape character is $. If you want to use characters that have meaning within the ninja.build file (space, :, $ itself, newline), you should write them following $.

For example, if you want to write multiple commands on separate lines, you can write it as follows.

rule r4
    command = echo "r4 sample" $
    && echo "r4-12 sample"

phony Rule


There is a built-in rule called phony.

This rule does nothing when executed. Although it does nothing, it can be used to arbitrarily add dependencies to a target.

For example, you can define an alias foo for the file some/file.txt.

Sample File
rule r1
    command = cat $in > $out

build some/file.txt: r1 dep.txt
build foo: phony some/file.txt

You can specify foo as the target name when executing.

Execution Result
$ ninja foo
[1/1] cat dep.txt > some/file.txt

You can also use it to create a group target that aggregates multiple targets.

Sample File
rule r1
    command = echo "r1 sample"
rule r2
    command = echo "r2 sample"
rule r3
    command = echo "r3 sample"

build all: phony tag1 tag2 tag3
build tag1: r1
build tag2: r2
build tag3: r3

The dependency graph is as follows.


Execution Result
$ ninja all
[1/3] echo "r1 sample"
r1 sample
[2/3] echo "r2 sample"
r2 sample
[3/3] echo "r3 sample"
r3 sample

Implicit Dependencies


As already introduced, variables like $in and $out can be used in the commands described in the rules.
$in expands to the list of dependencies, and $out expands to the list of targets.
Also, in file specifications, files written after | are not expanded into these variables.

Here's an example configuration file using |.

Sample File
rule r1
    command = echo "DEP1 sample" > $out

rule r2
    command = echo "DEP2 sample" > $out

rule r3
    command = echo "TEST `cat $in`" > $out

build test1.txt | test2.txt: r3 dep1.txt | dep2.txt
build dep1.txt: r1
build dep2.txt: r2

The dependency graph is as follows.


Execution Result
$ ninja test1.txt -v
[1/3] echo "DEP1 sample" > dep1.txt
[2/3] echo "DEP2 sample" > dep2.txt
[3/3] echo "TEST `cat dep1.txt`" > test1.txt

$ cat dep1.txt dep2.txt test1.txt
DEP1 sample
DEP2 sample
TEST DEP1 sample

In the execution of r3, $in expands only to dep1.txt, and $out expands only to test1.txt.
On the other hand, dep2.txt is recognized as a dependency file, and the rule r2 that creates dep2.txt is executed.

Also, even if you try to build the implicit target test2.txt directly, it is not created, but the processing to create its dependency file is executed.

Execution Result
$ ninja test2.txt -v
[1/3] echo "DEP1 sample" > dep1.txt
[2/3] echo "DEP2 sample" > dep2.txt
[3/3] echo "TEST `cat dep1.txt`" > test1.txt

$ cat dep1.txt dep2.txt test1.txt
DEP1 sample
DEP2 sample
TEST DEP1 sample

$ ls test2.txt
ls: cannot access 'test2.txt': No such file or directory

Order-Only Dependency


Dependencies specified after || in the list of dependencies are considered order-only dependencies.

These dependencies are updated to the latest state, but are not considered when evaluating whether to rebuild the target.

By utilizing this property, you can ensure that dependencies are up to date while reducing unnecessary target rebuilds.

For example, let's compare the behavior when specifying dependencies that are order-only and those that are not.

In the following example, whether test2.txt is rebuilt is not affected by whether dep2.txt has been updated.

Sample File
rule dep
    command = echo "DEP sample" > $out

rule test
    command = cat $in > $out

build test1.txt: test dep1.txt
build test2.txt: test || dep2.txt
build dep1.txt: dep
build dep2.txt: dep

The dependency graph is as follows.


Execution Result
# Assume that test1.txt and test2.txt already exist.
$ touch test1.txt
$ touch test2.txt

# When rebuilding test1.txt, since dep1.txt was updated (created here), the update process for test1.txt is executed.
$ ninja test1.txt -v
[1/2] echo "DEP sample" > dep1.txt
[2/2] cat dep1.txt > test1.txt

# When rebuilding test2.txt, although dep2.txt was updated (created here), no update process is executed for test2.txt.
$ ninja test2.txt -v
[1/1] echo "DEP sample" > dep2.txt

Dynamic Dependencies


Next, let's introduce a feature to specify dependencies dynamically.

During the build process, you generate a file containing a list of build statements representing dependencies, and you can add dependencies by referring to that file.

Borrowing an example from the documentation, the following configuration performs tarball extraction.
In this configuration, if the tarball has been updated since the last extraction, it re-extracts it.
Also, even if the tarball has not been updated, if previously extracted files are missing for some reason, it re-extracts.

rule untar
  command = tar xf $in && touch $out
rule scantar
  command = scantar --stamp=$stamp --dd=$out $in
build foo.tar.dd: scantar foo.tar
  stamp = foo.tar.stamp
build foo.tar.stamp: untar foo.tar || foo.tar.dd
  dyndep = foo.tar.dd

It's a bit complicated, so let's go through the process step by step.

First, by executing ninja foo.tar.stamp, the following build statement is evaluated.

build foo.tar.stamp: untar foo.tar || foo.tar.dd
  dyndep = foo.tar.dd

The rule untar is the extraction process. It performs the extraction and simultaneously creates foo.tar.stamp for timestamp recording.
dyndep = is a built-in keyword, and the file specified here foo.tar.dd is expected to contain additional targets and dependencies in a specified format[3]. This foo.tar.dd is generated dynamically based on the contents of the tarball. We specify foo.tar.dd as an Order-Only Dependency.

Next, the build process for foo.tar.dd is evaluated.

build foo.tar.dd: scantar foo.tar
  stamp = foo.tar.stamp

Assuming scantar is a hypothetical command prepared here, this command reads the tarball and generates a file like the following based on its contents (for example, processing the result of tar tf).

ninja_dyndep_version = 1
build foo.tar.stamp | file1.txt file2.txt : dyndep
  restat = 1

file1.txt and file2.txt are file names included in the tarball, and this describes adding them as (implicit) target files.

In this way, you can specify dependencies dynamically based on the contents of the tarball.

The dependency graph is as follows. (The target nodes pointing to file1.txt and file2.txt have unclear numbers—could this be a bug...?)


Parallel Execution


Ninja performs builds in parallel execution by default.

Although it's a simple example that doesn't create files, let's check the operation with the following configuration file.

Sample File
rule r1
    command = sleep 2 && echo "r1 `date +%H:%M:%S`"
rule r2
    command = sleep 2 && echo "r2 `date +%H:%M:%S`"
rule r3
    command = sleep 2 && echo "r3 `date +%H:%M:%S`"

build tag: phony tag1 tag2 tag3
build tag1: r1
build tag2: r2
build tag3: r3

The target tag depends on three dependencies: tag1, tag2, and tag3,
and in their respective rules r1, r2, and r3, they wait for 2 seconds and output the time.

Execution Result
$ ninja tag
[1/3] sleep 2 && echo "r1 `date +%H:%M:%S`"
r1 19:49:04
[2/3] sleep 2 && echo "r2 `date +%H:%M:%S`"
r2 19:49:04
[3/3] sleep 2 && echo "r3 `date +%H:%M:%S`"
r3 19:49:04

If you look at the seconds in the time output, you can see that they were output at the same time because they were executed in parallel.

About Tool Options


As we used when outputting the dependency graph above, the ninja command provides useful tools that can be used with the -t option.

  • browse
    • Display the dependency graph in a browser
    • ninja -t browse --port=8000 --no-browser mytarget (For some reason, it causes a runtime error on my machine 💦)
  • graph
    • Output the dependency graph in graphviz format
    • ninja -t graph mytarget | dot -Tpng -ograph.png
    • Install dot with sudo apt install graphviz -y
  • targets
    • Output a list of targets
  • commands
    • Output a list of commands for the given target
  • inputs
    • Output a list of input files for the given target
  • clean
    • Delete build outputs



This time, I summarized what I learned by trying out the build system tool Ninja. There are still other detailed specifications, so if you're interested, please check out the manual.
As stated in its design goals, Ninja configuration files are basically not written by hand, but it was interesting to understand how to read them and how to execute them. Particularly, the ability to output dependency graphs is convenient and seems useful even just for that.
Since it resolves dependencies much faster compared to Makefiles, I thought I'd like to try using it if I get the chance.

  1. Evan Martin. The Performance of Open Source Software Ninja ↩︎

  2. Design goals ↩︎

  3. Dydep File Reference ↩︎


