Valibot: Ultra-Lightweight & Type-Safe Schema Validation Library
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When performing data validation in JavaScript, especially in TypeScript projects, libraries like Zod and Yup are often used. This time, I will introduce a library called Valibot, which has recently been gaining attention as an alternative to these.
What is Valibot?
#Valibot is a schema library for validating structured data.
The official documentation describes its features as follows:
- Fully type safe with static type inference
- Small bundle size starting at less than 600 bytes
- Validate everything from strings to complex objects
- Open source and fully tested with 100 % coverage
- Many transformation and validation actions included
- Well structured source code without dependencies
- Minimal, readable and well thought out API
At first glance, its functionality appears almost identical to the current de facto (in my opinion) library Zod, but Valibot focuses on modular design, achieving significant reductions in bundle size.
Looking at Valibot's source code, you will notice that each function is exported independently. This allows the bundler's tree shaking to work effectively. In simple cases, it can reduce the bundle size by more than 90% compared to Zod. This mechanism is explained in detail in the following blog:
Valibot is a very new library, having been released for about a year. At this point, it does not match major libraries like Zod and Yup in terms of popularity and ecosystem. However, lightweight libraries are becoming increasingly valuable not only in front-end environments like browsers but also in back-end environments due to the spread of edge/serverless environments. Given this background, Valibot is expected to catch up with these libraries soon.
From an ecosystem perspective, even at this stage, it supports a wide range of libraries, from form validation libraries for frameworks like React, Vue, and Svelte to back-end libraries like NestJS and DrizzleORM. This support is expected to increase further in the future.
Defining Basic Schemas
#First, let's look at the basic schemas. In addition to primitive types and object/array types, TypeScript's type system supports Union and Intersect types.
Here are some frequently used examples:
import * as v from 'valibot';
// Primitives
const StringSchema = v.string();
const StringSchemaWithMessage = v.string('It’s a string!');
const NumberSchema = v.number();
const UndefinedSchema = v.undefined();
// Object: {name: string, birthday: Date, score: number}
const ObjectSchema = v.object({
name: v.string(),
score: v.number()
// Array: Array<number>
const ArraySchema = v.array(v.number());
// Record: Record<string, {title: string, content: string}>
const RecordSchema = v.record(
v.object({ title: v.string(), content: v.string() })
// string | null | undefined
const NullishSchema = v.nullish(v.string());
// string | undefined
const OptionalSchema = v.optional(v.string());
// { name: string } & { address: string }
const IntersectSchema = v.intersect([
v.object({ name: v.string() }),
v.object({ address: v.string() })
// 'ready' | 'running' | 'complete'
const UnionSchema = v.union([
You can change the default message by specifying a validation error message as the first argument.
Like Zod, schemas can be used directly as types, so there is no need to define a separate type. To generate a type from a schema, use InferOutput [1].
const User = v.object({
name: v.string(),
score: v.number()
// for zod
// type User = z.infer<typeof User>;
type User = v.InferOutput<typeof User>;
const user: User = {
name: 'Mamezou Taro',
birthday: new Date(2000, 0, 1),
score: 10
Building Pipelines
#Next, add validation checks and data transformation processes to the previously defined schema. In Valibot, these checks and transformations are called Actions.
In Zod, this is achieved using method chaining, but in Valibot, you build a pipeline using pipe (up to 20 actions, including basic schemas).
Here is an example from the official documentation:
import * as v from 'valibot';
const EmailSchema = v.pipe(
The above defines the following constraints for email:
- string: String type (basic schema)
- trim: Trim transformation
- email: Check for email format
- endsWith: Check that the domain is
The first argument must be a basic schema (primitive, object, etc.). Specifying an action as the first argument will result in a type error.
There are many built-in actions [2], but if these do not meet your needs, you can create custom actions using check or transform. Here is an example of their use.
function checkEmpNumber(value: string): boolean {
console.log("Implementing custom check", value);
return true;
function format(value: string): string {
return 'mz-' + value;
const EmpNumber = v.pipe(
A common use case for validation is checking the correlation between multiple fields. This can also be easily achieved using custom actions. Here is an example of correlation checks:
const Item = v.pipe(
// Schema: Basic schema
kind: v.union([ v.literal('Gift'), v.literal('Meat'), v.literal('Fish') ]),
price: v.optional(v.number())
// Action: Correlation check
v.check(item => {
switch (item.kind) {
case 'Meat':
return (item.price ?? 0) > 1000;
case 'Gift':
return item.price === undefined || item.price === 0
return true;
A custom check is added to the pipeline following the object-type schema.
Custom actions often require asynchronous processing, such as accessing databases or external resources. In such cases, use the asynchronous versions of the API (checkAsync/transformAsync).
async function checkEmpNumber(value: string): Promise<boolean> {
console.log("Implementing custom check", value);
return true;
async function format(value: string): Promise<string> {
return 'mz-' + value;
const EmpNumber = v.pipeAsync(
Use the asynchronous version of pipeAsync for the pipeline.
Parsing Data
#Apply unknown data, such as user input, to the schema. Here, various validations and transformations defined in the schema are executed.
The basic API is parse (use parseAsync for asynchronous schemas). If successful, it returns the transformed data; if it fails, it throws an exception (ValiError).
const Email = v.pipe(
const User = v.object({
name: v.string(),
email: Email
try {
const email = v.parse(User, { email: 'mame' });
} catch (e) {
if (v.isValiError(e)) {
} else {
throw e;
The issues
property of ValiError contains the error details. You can use this to display messages to the user or perform other processing.
Since the above example parses invalid data, an exception is thrown. The console output is as follows:
"kind": "schema",
"type": "string",
"expected": "string",
"received": "undefined",
"message": "Invalid type: Expected string but received undefined",
"path": [
"type": "object",
"origin": "value",
"input": {
"email": "mame"
"key": "name"
"kind": "validation",
"type": "email",
"input": "mame",
"expected": null,
"received": "\"mame\"",
"message": "Invalid email: Received \"mame\"",
"requirement": {},
"path": [
"type": "object",
"origin": "value",
"input": {
"email": "mame"
"key": "email",
"value": "mame"
"kind": "validation",
"type": "ends_with",
"input": "mame",
"expected": "\"\"",
"received": "\"mame\"",
"message": "Invalid end: Expected \"\" but received \"mame\"",
"requirement": "",
"path": [
"type": "object",
"origin": "value",
"input": {
"email": "mame"
"key": "email",
"value": "mame"
It shows that errors occurred in three checks: missing name (name:string), invalid format (email:email), and invalid domain (email:ends_with) (refer to the path
property for the error location). For detailed specifications of validation errors, refer to the official documentation.
By default, all checks are executed even if an error occurs midway, and all errors are accumulated. To stop validation on the first failure, specify the third argument (options) for parse.
// Stop validation on failure -> only name:string error
const email = v.parse(User, { email: 'mame' }, { abortEarly: true });
// Stop only the pipeline on failure -> 2 errors: name:string + email
const email = v.parse(User, { email: 'mame' }, { abortPipeEarly: true });
So far, we have used parse to catch validation errors with a try-catch block, but there is also safeParse (use safeParseAsync for the asynchronous version), which does not throw exceptions.
Using safeParse, the code looks like this:
const result = v.safeParse(User, { email: 'mame' });
if (result.success) {
console.log('success!', result.output) // InferOutput<typeof User> type
} else {
console.log('error!', JSON.stringify(result.issues, null, 2));
With safeParse, the return value is an object representing the success or failure of the parse (SafeParseResult
). Determine success or failure with the success
property, and if successful, get the output result from the output
property, similar to parse. On failure, the error details can be referenced from the issues
property, similar to ValiError
Which one to use is a matter of preference and can be decided for each project.
As a special use case for schemas, is is also available for type guards. Here is how to use it.
// Type guard: true
const input = { name: 'Mamezou', email: '' };
// Type guard: false
// const input = { email: 'mame' };
if (, input)) {
} else {
console.log('no user!')
If the data conforms to the schema, you can retrieve information from the data according to the schema within the if statement. Note that the output type for parse/safeParse was InferOutput<typeof User>
, but for type guards (is), it is InferInput<typeof User>
because it is not a parse.
Also, the limitation of type guards (is) is that you cannot obtain the details of validation errors. It is limited to cases where you only need to execute some processing if the data conforms to the schema, but in such cases, using is makes the code more straightforward.
#Using Valibot, you will notice that despite its small bundle size, it offers a wealth of features. Validation has numerous use cases, regardless of whether it is on the front-end or back-end. Valibot seems to be easily applicable anywhere, and I would like to make good use of it.
InferOutput represents the type after transformation. Although it may not be used often, use InferInput for the type before transformation. For details, refer to the official documentation. ↩︎
Refer to the API reference for built-in actions. ↩︎